These past few months my class has learned a lot in Computers 8, including how to use Word, Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and as well as Excel. Here are a few pieces of my best work, hope you enjoy!

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a professional design and drawing program. It is used as a larger design workflow, and Illustrator
allows for the creation of everything starting from single design elements to entire compositions. Designers can use
Illustrator to make posters, symbols, logos, covers, icons,patterns, etc.


HTML stands for the HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for documents designed
to be displayed on a web browser. HTML can be used to make websites, and is easy to use for coding.
(Just like this website you are reading right now!)


Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editor and a predominant photo editor and manipulation software. It uses
full feature editing of photos to create intricate digital paintings and drawings that mimic those that are done by hand.


Excel is a spreadsheet app used to organize and collect data to perform financial analysis. The main use of Excel is for data entry.
Each page contains a number of rows and columns, where each intersection between a row and column is called a "cell".
Each cell has one point of data or piece of information.